Friday, 19 November 2010

The Machine reviews by Captain D

Captain D has posted a review of The Machine at

Pop on over and take a look at what he's got to say :)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Machine - Community Levels.

Wow! The community levels that are appearing at the moment are fab. After spending ages developing the game it’s great to be able to play levels we have no idea how to complete.

We’re working on a little update for The Machine at the moment. We’ll announce just what soon. But currently we’re in danger of dropping behind schedule because we’re playing your great levels.

Better get back to it now, the Bossatron approaches.

The Machine 1.02 released

The Machine v1.02 has just been released. This fixes an issue some people were having loading the community levels. To get the update open Impulse and check the updates tab. Thanks to those who let us know so we could get it fixed.

We’ve also increased the bosses literacy stats (he can now spell ‘us’)

Monday, 15 November 2010

Some more reviews

A couple more Machine reviews over the weekend.

John Bardinelli's review at is here.

And we got a bronze star from Andrew Williams over at here.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Machine - Reviews

There have been a couple of reviews of The Machine over the last week. We’re obviously quite biased toward it so here’s some links to some objective points of view.

DIY Gamer - Mike Rose recommended the game out right!

Gamezebo - 3.5 out of 5

We were naturally horrified when Jon Mundy pointed out we spelt ‘us’ wrong! I have been on the naughty step since then. I can only say it will be rectified in an update.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The infamous Level 23 of The Machine

Every game has one, that level that sticks in peoples minds because it is so elequent and perfect and darn right tricky to get past.

The machine has a level just like this, level 23 and we've had a fair bit of correspondence asking how this level can be completed. Some people don't believe it can be completed, but us being us we've decided to help you all out and give you a series of clues on how to solve it.

And there's also a complete video solution further down if you just want to know how it's done!

Monday, 1 November 2010

The Machine - Released on Impulse

We’re pleased to announce that earlier today The Machine was released on Impulse.

Check out the product page and news article.

It’s a proud moment for us to see our little game tootling off with all those other games and making its way in the world. We’d like to say a huge thanks to the folks at Impulse for all their help, especially Larry Kuperman and Brian Clair.