Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The infamous Level 23 of The Machine

Every game has one, that level that sticks in peoples minds because it is so elequent and perfect and darn right tricky to get past.

The machine has a level just like this, level 23 and we've had a fair bit of correspondence asking how this level can be completed. Some people don't believe it can be completed, but us being us we've decided to help you all out and give you a series of clues on how to solve it.

And there's also a complete video solution further down if you just want to know how it's done!

1 - A cannon fires the finished blocks into the Dumper.

2 - A cannon fires the finished blocks into a final cannon that fires the finished blocks into the Dumper.

3 - A splitter double-acts as a wall for the second to last cannon so that it doesn't miss the last cannon's ammo box.

4 - A red sprayer sits right next to the dispensor.

5 - Here's the video!


  1. Thanks so MUCH! Stupid Level!!!!

  2. The Overtime level 14 is kicking my trash! I've completed all the other levels and have spend days trying to figure this one out!
